Andragogy and Needs Assessments

TESL 0100 Unit 2 Reflection Some of the key ideas that stood out for me in Unit 2 were Andragogy and Needs Assessments. Andragogy describes the principles of adult learning or adult education. Malcolm Knowles (1997) identified several characteristics about adult learners that focus on the process of learning. Knowles stated that adults need to know why they are learning something, they need to learn by doing, and their learning needs to be relevant to their daily lives. Being involved in the planning and evaluation of their learning is also key. Adults take ownership of their learning and thrive on task-based, problem-solving activities. I recently took a course which focused on differentiated professional development and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) for teachers. Malcolm Knowles’ idea of andragogy was one of the learning theories that we discussed. The idea of differentiated job-embedded professional development is becoming more common in education and leads to ...