A Mix of Technology and Reflection

TESL 0100
Unit 1 Reflection

The first week of my TESL courses was extremely eye-opening! First of all, I learned about and tried out a lot of new types of educational technologies and social media tools that I had not been very familiar with previously. I created a Twitter account and an About.me page, started this Blog, and began to expand my Professional Learning Network (PLN), among other things. I have also been refreshing my memory about lesson planning for English Language Learners (ELLs), while learning about innovative and new ways to teach ESL. I taught ESL for about six years at the beginning of my teaching career, but at that time I did not have any formal TESL training. Plus, times have changed, and technology has greatly advanced in the last twenty years, so I think it is time for an update! It took a while to figure out the ins and outs of some of the technological aspects that are a part of this course, but I think I have worked out most of the kinks.

This first unit has primarily been about reflecting on “Who I Am & Who I Want to Become,” and has included a lot of reflection and goal-setting. Having to come up with a brief introduction to myself for my About.me page and Blog and selecting a few key words to include on my Twitter profile forced me to think deeply about my personal and professional identity. I am very excited about returning to the ESL field as an educator. The formation of a PLN and my participation in this course are important steps towards that goal. Having the opportunity to gain knowledge and expertise and share ideas with so many others who share my passion is fantastic!

An overview of what a language classroom can look like and the decisions that a language teacher has to make before and during a lesson were presented through the example lesson in Chapter 1 of Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. This example lesson clearly showed that the research-based principles of second language learning and teaching need to inform teachers’ moment-to-moment decision-making in order for effective teaching to take place. As I continue through the courses in the TESL Certificate Program, I am looking forward to learning more about all of the components of the example lesson and their connections to second language research, theory and pedagogy.  

Brown, D. & Lee, H. (2015). Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy (4th ed. revised). Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education.


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