21st Century Learners

TESL 0100
Unit 9 Reflection

As we begin to think about the language classroom that we may be teaching in, we need need to also take a step back and consider what teaching and learning looks like in the twenty-first century. We were asked to think about the skills, tasks and technologies that our students would need to have an understanding of in order to be successful in today's world, and to create an infographic to represent our ideas. Below is the infographic that I created. It includes the skills and strategies that I believe are needed by all students, including language students.

In order to succeed in today's ever-changing world, students need to be taught more than just the basic knowledge and skills that were taught in traditional classroom. The four key skills that I have highlighted - communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking, often referred to as the four C's, should be an important component to any classroom. In university, the workplace, and the community, people need to be able to communicate their ideas through a variety of media, collaborate with others to accomplish a goal, work creatively to generate a solution, and use critical thinking skills to evaluate, analyze, and draw conclusions. Incorporating these twenty-first century skills should be an integral part of our teaching.


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