My Classroom Community

TESL 0100
So I kind of overlooked this assignment, or maybe I was procrastinating it and avoiding it because I am not much of an artist and was not really looking forward to attempting to draw my classroom. :) I tried to do some of the parts in 3D, but other parts are much more basic. It's kind of a mix of both. Attempting to draw a couch was the trickiest part!
Anyways, I like to think of my classroom as a community of learners, which is why I used a circular table with me, the teacher (the one with the speech bubble), as part of the circle. When needed, everyone can turn their chairs toward the whiteboard for direct instruction, or to read sentence stems or discussion prompts. I would put our agenda on the board so the students would know what was in store for the day. There would also be a word wall bulletin board with high frequency words and words we had learned in previous lessons. The classroom would have a bookshelf with a wide variety of reading materials and games/activities. It would also have some computers for online/listening practice. In the corner would be a big, comfy couch that could be used for reading, conversation, or taking a break. (Notice the plate of cookies on the shelf?) I want my classroom to be a safe, comfortable, warm, and inviting space that my students look forward to coming to each and every day.


  1. I like this a lot Sheila. Enough to break my habit of not commenting directly on students' blogs (not to mention that this is not for my course).

    I was not sure about illustration and teaching, but I have been inspired by sketchnoting. If you have time, have a look at Rachel Smith's TedX talk on sketchnoting:

    It changed my approach to teaching listening.

  2. Thanks a bunch, Anna! I appreciate the comment. I will definitely check out that Ted talk. I have seen some of Sylvia Duckworth's sketchnotes, and more recently, those by Valentina Gonzalez, who has a fabulous ESL blog:


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