Teaching Reflections - Lesson 2

TESL 0170
Practicum in Teaching ESL

I taught my second lesson for my TESL practicum on Friday from 9-12. I taught the same Entry level (CEFR A1-A2) integrated skills class and continued working on the Shopping for Clothes unit. This time I was also being observed for the last hour by my Practicum Supervisor. The focus of the lesson was on navigating a mall or department store and included vocabulary and expressions to use to explain locations and directions. The lesson included reviewing the previous day's homework, teaching and practicing new vocabulary, listening comprehension, pronunciation, role-play and games. I tried to include a balance of activities and to switch between teacher-led and student-centered activities to keep the students engaged. Students had an opportunity to work independently, with a partner, with their table group and with the whole class. In addition to the text and its digital and online components, I also used the smartboard notebook, a clothing bingo game I found online, a role-play activity I modified from a text activity, and a clothing departments team game I created. I made sure that I had extra activities in case things went faster than I anticipated and in case there were technological issues.

Teaching the lesson today was a little easier and went more smoothly than the first time. I was more confident and capable with the technology this time and was also more comfortable with the students and the classroom routines. I remembered all of their names and made a point of calling on all of the students more equally. I noted that it is sometimes difficult to gauge exactly how long a lesson will take, especially if there are additional questions. I did not get as far as I thought I would and wanted to by the mid-morning break, but I adjusted my lesson plan accordingly.

I met with my Practicum Supervisor at the end of my lesson to debrief. She gave me a lot of positive feedback and said that what really stood out for her was my energy. She commented that I had good classroom management and made good use of resources and technology. She appreciated that I used a combination of groupings throughout the class and that I incorporated a communicative practice activity in the form of a role-play. She also said that the Bingo game was fun and interactive for the students. She noted a different way that I could have explained a concept that I hadn't thought of at the time. She also suggested that I match up a couple of students with different partners as there were two very quiet and shy students sitting together. I felt good about the observation and know what my strengths are and what areas I need to improve on.

My lesson plan and handouts are attached below:
Lesson Plan 2
Unit 8 Locations and Directions
Listening Comprehension Cloze


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