Teaching Reflections - Lesson 4

TESL 0170
Practicum in Teaching ESL

Today was my fourth and final lesson for my TESL Practicum and I have to admit, I was a little sad to be finished. I have spent a lot of time with the Entry level (CEFR A1-A2) class and have gotten to know the students quite well. They are a motivated and interesting bunch from a variety of countries, and they are open and willing to do any type of activity. Today we were working on the Taking Transportation unit and our lesson focused primarily on airport announcements. The lesson followed a similar format to the previous lesson I taught and included teaching and practicing new vocabulary, listening comprehension, pronunciation, a quiz game, a discussion game and the teacher evaluation I created. Some of the activities were a review of material studied earlier in the week.

I think that it was an engaging and successful lesson and my sponsor teacher said that I did very well. My Practicum Supervisor attended the second part of the lesson today and also gave me a positive evaluation. She commented that I was clear and organized and that my voice and pacing were good. She also said that I explained, modeled, paused and reinforced appropriately and that there was a positive atmosphere in the classroom. She noted that the lesson was interactive and kept the students' interest. I think that this was the best lesson of my practicum, as I incorporated the feedback I had received from both my sponsor teacher and my Practicum Supervisor. I also received positive responses from the students on the Teacher Evaluations. As I mentioned earlier, it was a little bittersweet to leave the school today. I am happy to be finished my practicum, but it was sad to say goodbye to the students I taught.

My lesson plan and handouts are attached below:
Lesson Plan 4
Transportation Roll and Answer
Teacher Evaluation


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